Skills & Competency

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Welcome to PicksGroup Capability
Framework Solution.

Our Capability Framework Solution aims to outline the capabilities and associated behaviours that are
expected of all employees, stakeholders and contractors at each level of an organisation.

The Capability Framework provides a common foundation and a systematic, integrated approach for
the full range of workforce management and development activities including role design and
description; recruitment; performance management; learning and development and strategic
workforce planning.

What is a Capability Framework Solution?

In short, its an assessment on workforce skills competency and training needs. We use Capability Framework Solutions to build a methodology that accurately
assesses the skills and competency levels of employees within an organisation or company. Information that is collected and assessed is then used to identify any
gaps in the skill sets of each role. Creating a roadmap that helps meet any training needs in the most cost effective way, whilst prioritising training and upskilling
based on the value and effect on day to day operations, compliance requirements and any change that the business my be facing.

How do we build a Capability

Usually we would hold consultation with relevant stakeholders throughout the organisation, before we then developed documentation and assessment tools that will guide the process. Most of our Capability Framework Solutions have a program of works that would include the following:

  • Framework Guide
  • Framework Integration
  • Continuous Improvement and Adaptions
  • Review Cycle
  • Capability Framework Overview
  • Individual Capability Framework
  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Training Planning

What happens after the Capability
Framework Solution is completed?

Personal Resilience – Internal Stakeholder Engagement – Root Cause Analysis – Identifying Improvement Opportunities – Problem Solving and
Critical Thinking – Coaching & Mentoring – Receiving Feedback – Report Writing – Continuous and Process Improvement – Implementation –
Time Management – Prioritisation and Scheduling – Promoting Innovation in a Team Environment – Project Management Fundamentals –
Communication Skills – Enterprise Risk Management – Train the Trainer – Emotional Intelligence.

This is the most important part of the the framework. This is were the gaps identified are filled. This is where the training starts. It is important to
understand that the delivery method is vital to the success of the project. Training and subject matter relevance to individuals and roles would
now have been assessed and priority would have now been agreed. Now it is time to schedule the competency based training sessions.
This could be face-to-face short courses each month, ranging from 4 hrs to 2 days. Or, it may be via webinar or video link.

Course example could be:

PicksGroup has more than 100 customisable competency units in its training portfolio. We can focus on specific subject areas and ensure we

prove competency and ensure compliance


It is important to keep your records up to date with a good training needs analysis program and a training register. However, a added benefit is to also add a quality continuous improvement system to the documents. An interactive CIP or Continuous Improvement Plan will help develop your organisation, identify risk and employee trends, in a similar way to a behavioural gap analysis.

This has become such a powerful tool that PicksGroup now uses a continuous improvement tool throughout all of its training and skills development courses. Using real scenarios that the participants can relate to, in order to identify real time opportunity and treats to the business that is identified in the class room.

Any imbedded continuous improvement plan should be updated each quarter or “live” after training or meeting sessions, with ongoing implementation. The plan will incorporate feedback from key stakeholders assessment results, knowledge retention program outcomes, participant rates, enrolments, emerging trends and changes in external environments. It will focus on updating course content, materials and delivery for external changes and improvement opportunities; implementing value add improvements to training plans and administration; and incorporating new opportunities for continuous improvement.

Managing the competency and skill sets of workforce across council, government departments and industry is at the heart of PicksGroup. If you would like further information on our services please fill out the form below or contact us directly on

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