Welcome to PicksGroup’s PRCA Live.

The PicksGroup’s PRCA Live (asset management) course looks at how we proactively investigate:

An incident, accident or near miss – all unwanted events

Methods and techniques for proactive investigating or assessing

Safety and risk models from around the world and the impact of human factors

Proactive maintenance, compliance, safety processes or systems and workplace barriers

Reviewing and understanding impacts of outcomes and benefits of knowledge retention programs

PRCA Live focuses on the opportunities to learn from near misses and the tangible benefits of continuous improvement.

PRCA Live encourages a combination of root cause analysis, continuous improvement, knowledge retention programs and interactive online course development, to reduce unwanted events at each level of an organisation.

Using communication and industry participation when creating timelines to identify near miss and potential hazards that may cause an injury, incident, financial loss, property damage or have negative reputational impacts.

PRCA Live collectively creates a strategy to ensure issue elimination and effective root cause corrective actions.

The system grows within an organisation and is driven by people, legislation, compliance and needs, not by theory and methodology alone.

A continual or continuous improvement program (CIP) is a planed ongoing process to improve products, services, or processes. These programs and process usually look at achieving:

  • Small improvements over time.
  • Large immediate improvements that may positively impact  a business or process.
  • Industry or business “ground-breaking”  improvements that could change the way you and your organisation operate or even setting a new industry standard.

Some see CIPs as a given-process for management systems such as:

Business process management

  • Asset Management
  • Facility Management
  • Safety management
  • Quality management
  • Project management
  • Select tools and systems that clearly define roles, responsibilities and accountability.
  • Make it available to all stakeholders. It is everyone’s responsibility to manage their own assigned task.
  • Train users – people won’t use what they don’t understand.
  • Before we make a decision we need to be sure that our actions will not negatively impact the safety of people or create risk to the business.
  • Consulting with stakeholders at different levels throughout an organisation with help you see a clearer, long term picture.
  • Consultation will improve your services and create better relationships with your customers.
  • Consultation will help streamline your business and cut down on waste. In turn this will save money.
  • You have held industry consultation sessions and have information that will help you make an informed decision.
  • Consider if you need to report any observations you may have made during consultation.
  • Consider who you would report this to and how you will do this.
  • Consider the impact of the information you need to report – what is the likelihood of financial or reputational damage?
  • Consider privacy rules, company policy and legislation.
  • Based on information gained through either reporting or consultation you will conduct an investigation aimed at highlighting root causes.
  • Use your PRCA Live investigation pack and consider every resource you have.
  • Whether this is a proactive or reactive investigation, the goal is to eliminate or mitigate future risk to people, property, environment or business.
  • Use your PRCA Live tools to ensure both short and long term controls are put in place and corrective actions are carried out.
  • Remember that a hazard, potential or a realised risk remains just that until you apply a corrective action. Don’t wait for the investigation to be complete, if you can eliminate or mitigate a hazard or risk. If it is safe to do so, apply a corrective action as soon as possible.
  • Record your outcomes and results, deliver them to the relevant stakeholders within your organisation and industry.
  • Revisit outcomes, control measures and learnings.
  • Knowledge retention programs and gap analysis will substantially reduce costs and help ensure compliance.
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